For those who don't know my husband had shoulder surgery in late spring which meant that he was out of commission for close to three months. We primarily heat our home with wood and the spring is the time that we are felling trees and getting the cutting, splitting and stacking into the woodshed done. This year we were unable to get any trees on our own property cut down due to Ken not being able to use the chain saw.
We ordered 5 cords of log length wood from a local logger and had it delivered in late July. So now we had the trees sitting on our driveway and Ken started to do what he could to work on the pile.
We are so blessed with great friends who for two weeks in a row came by on Saturday to help with the process and now our woodshed is full and the wood is drying to be ready for our first fire.
I want to thank all those who have helped us with this enormous task. Wade, Mike and Carol, Pastor Jeff, Robbie, Angie, Shelly, Dave, and Pastor Dave, Brett and Riley.
The woodshed is fuller than it has ever been and there it still a little left that should help us start off our supply for next year. Everyone worked really hard followed by a lunch of burgers. I just want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. We would not have been able to get this job done without all of you.